• Conheça a Soly Sport

    A SOLY SPORT, Construtora de Engenharia Civil, atua no segmento de Quadras Esportivas nas modalidades de Tênis, Futebol de Salão e Campo, Vôlei, Basquete, Handebol, Squash, Futebol de campo e Society. Construindo na Área Esportiva desde 1.986, para Particulares, Clubes, Colégios, Universidades, Condomínios Horizontais e Verticais, Ongs e Construtores, atende em todo o Brasil. Acompanhando

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  • Labor Law Clamp Down Coming for Construction

    Construction firms that regularly skirt labor law to gain unfair competitive advantages by misclassifying workers and hiring people who aren’t legally allowed to work in the U.S., are going to face closer scrutiny this year, according to a report published in the National Law Review. Southwest Under Labor Law Scrutiny The NLR reported “that some

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  • Be An Employer of Choice and Beat the Craft Worker Shortage

    Surprisingly it doesn’t mean your company has to get listed by a prominent magazine, or that you have to encourage your workforce to send in nominations to somebody. It’s really more about understanding the hallmarks of an employer of choice, and then nurturing those in your company. Other Strategies Ranked High Respondents to the FMI

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  • Modular Construction Transforms Office Space for Millennials

    There are 80 million young adults in the U.S. today who were born between 1976 and 2001. This group is commonly known as the millennial generation. And, as baby boomers continue to retire from the workplace, millennials are taking their place. It’s estimated that by 2020, millennials will comprise 46 percent of the U.S. workforce.

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  • Prefabricated Construction: A Closer Look at 6 Prefab Building Methods

    The term prefabricated construction leads many to think about complete structures built in a factory which are then transported to the site and set on a foundation. While this building method is becoming increasingly popular, there are other ways builders are using factory precision and efficiencies to create quality structures. 1. Panelized Wood Framing Typically used

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  • Important Tips for Site Selection and Preconstruction Preparation

    Location is your most important consideration. Manufacturing facilities should be within close proximity to shipping routes, be them interstates, rail or waterways. Retail stores, on the other hand, are best placed along busy commuter roads near residential zones. Consider who and what are coming and going from your building when selecting your final location. Once

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  • Sustainable Architecture Takes On Urban Agriculture

    Architects are coming up with some innovative ways to make sustainable buildings. Many of these sustainable projects are still in the concept phase. Among them, two proposed projects recently caught our eye as both aspire to integrate large areas for farming in urban settings. Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut designed a 132-floor urban farm concept for

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  • Piso Modular com Amortecimento
    Plast Sport - Piso modular para quadras

    A Soly Sport em parceria com a Plast Sport, oferece a instalação desta novidade no mercado. Piso modular com amortecimento. Se trata de Piso modular, de alto impacto em placas de 250x250x12 (16 placas por m²), produzidas em PP polipropileno, com amortecimento de manta em PEBD 6mm (polietileno de baixa densidade), de fácil encaixe, (sistema

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